Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015


Where is he?
Nobody lives are at stake ...
No blood should be sacrificed ...
There is no life at stake ...
There are no items that can guarantee ...
And no one would know ...
Who Sesok this leader?
People do not membuhtuhkan elektabilitas you ...
People do not membuhtuhkan your popularity ...
People do not membuhtuhkan pecitran you ...
Not always the same pempin above ...
Only a handful of leaders who memperdulikannya ...
Only he who knows ada'nya ...
Namaun difficult to look into the world ...
Hidden in spaces of political cheating ...
Hindered veil of injustice ...
Shackled and chained bitter tale of corruption plays ...
Stranded in the impressions of the god of money ...
Could it be the pemipin
Small people miss her soft hands
Which will caress this country into sejatera ...
Young children miss skilled hands
That will turn education into a feat ...
Officials miss hands he said
Which will lead to a better direction ...
The scholars miss the hands noble
What makes morality to be an example ...
All hands longing optimism
Convince the country to progress.
Is there a choice between us now ....
Is there a ball at the end of this world,
Is there a whisper abstentions on paper this sounds,
Is there honesty conscience guide you,
Is there a sweet promises believe,
Are there any jargon ghoib dreamy,
Is there a "dawn raid" ground his?
No one knows for sure,
Fate of the leader falls on anyone,
But trust must still be fulfilled,
Although thousands of ghost political seduction crashing,
Do not go out of control,
This country suadh stranded fragile,
In the overload range of injustice is already heavy.
And destiny also said
Will be whether the darkness for the sake of darkness
Will continue fertile cultured in this country
Or whether there will be a figure of light
That will come with bright colors in this country.
At all difficult moments?

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